is for flowers or perennials, this will increase and extend bud set and flowering. It is also used for root development in young plants. Completely water soluble, it can be added to any drip system through a fertilizer injector


Analysis Methods Results Analysis Name
Kjeldahl 10% Total Nitrogen
Gravimetric Method 52% Water soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)
Gravimetric Method 10% Water soluble Potassium oxide(K2O)
ASS Method 0.002% Water soluble Iron (Fe)
ASS Method 0.003% Water soluble Zinc (Zn)
ASS Method 0.001% Water soluble Manganese (Mn)
ASS Method 0.002% Water soluble Boron (B)
ASS Method 0.001% Water soluble Copper (Cu)
ASS Method 0.001% Water soluble Molibdenum (Cu)