AL-WALEED 3-37-37+TE

is usually used as top dressing and can also be used as base manure and seed manure. This product is extensively applied to grain crops like paddy, wheat, corn and sorghum and to cash crops including tobacco, tea, cotton, gourds, fruits and vegetables


Analysis Methods Results Analysis Name
Kjeldahl 3% Total Nitrogen
Gravimetric Method 37% Water soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5)
Gravimetric Method 37% Water soluble Potassium oxide(K2O)
ASS Method 0.002% Water soluble Iron (Fe)
ASS Method 0.003% Water soluble Zinc (Zn)
ASS Method 0.001% Water soluble Manganese (Mn)
ASS Method 0.002% Water soluble Boron (B)
ASS Method 0.001% Water soluble Copper (Cu)
ASS Method 0.001% Water soluble Molibdenum (Cu)